Articles on: Product Updates

HEGIAS VR - News from 5. May 2023

Update Version 2023.04.28.194

Functional Updates

BCF Issue Management

Create new BCF Issues in the HEGIAS VR App, which are automatically synchronised with your BIMcollab account. Detailed instructions for linking HEGIAS and BIMcollab accounts can be found here: Set up BIMcollab for BCF Issues Management

Open your scene in the project linked to BIMcollab and click on the flag icon (🚩) on the tablet.
For example, take a photo of a faulty building element, tag it with an issue type, a priority, various labels and assign it to the right person.
You can edit existing issues and, for example, set the status to "Completed".

Easily create a new BCF issue directly in the VR

Project-level user access rights

For each member, access rights for projects and scenes are now managed per individual project instead of on an organisation-level. The administration of all members in the organisation currently remains as usual and described here: "Manage organisation".

Now only members with the role Owner or Admin have access to all projects in the organisation by default. Users with the roles Senior, Junior and Guest still have access to all previous projects; however, they must be explicitly added to new projects. Thus, you are free to decide which people get access to your projects. You can manage this as follows:

Click on "Admin Organisation" and "Projects" to get an overview of all projects and their members.

Click on the name of the project to see all members with access rights, to adjust their roles, to remove someone's access or to add another member.

With "Add member" you can select an existing organisation member from the list and select a role to give the member access to the project.

Caching: Storing scenes on the VR device

Loading a scene consists of two parts: Downloading all the files and then compiling them. The first step is newly skipped if the same scene has already been opened once on that VR device by keeping the files cached on the device. This eliminates the need for multiple downloads and the scene loads noticeably faster. However, an internet connection is still required to use the app.

Bugfixes & improvements

- Fixed: Start positions in the model view were too low for large models
- Fixed: Sky boxes were sometimes rotated incorrectly
- Fixed: Black hole appeared in few scenes instead of skybox

Updated on: 28/08/2023

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