Tips for reducing the file size
For a smooth rendering and a positive experience in immersive virtual reality, the optimization of the geometry in a VR scene is crucial. Due to the limitations of the hardware, it is currently not yet possible to walk through arbitrarily large and complex models in VR. The maximum file size that you can import with an upload to HEGIAS VR also depends on your subscription level. The following tips may help you "shrink" your file if it is too large (list not exhaFew readersSkybox
The skybox is a static 360° image that represents the background of your HEGIAS scene. As a HEGIAS user, you cannot yet edit the skybox yourself. But if you have a suitable photo, we can add the file to the scene you want. To do so, please send us the file and a link to the desired scene at If you already have a scene in which a skybox has been stored, you can alternatively copy this scene and then replace the files it contains with the new files. This process preserves theFew readersManually optimize your model
By manually optimizing the geometry, the performance of your scene can be significantly improved. Your scene may load faster or run more smoothly in VR. Below are some aspects of your 3D model that can have an impact on the file size and performance of your scene. These tips are aimed at advanced users who have experience with 3D drawing programs. We recommend the free open-source software Blender for optimization, but any other 3D-based modeling software can be usedFew readersTips for a successful HEGIAS VR import
In the following article you will learn some tips that can help you to create a successful HEGIAS VR scene. IFC format We recommend exporting in IFC 2x3 format using the standard translator CV. 2.0 for best compatibility. Detailed export options for various CAD programs can be found on our HEGIAS Support Page. Classification In order for the model features to be correctly recFew readersAdd a Light to your scene
In the following article we explain how you can add an additional light source to your scene. Shift+L to create a light in front of you, you can then move it with the gizmo Esc to deselect Canc/Del to delete L to cycle through all the lights in the scene and select one at a time (you need to turn around and find the selected light ) +/- to change intensity T to enable/disable shadows for that light The new lights are part of the scene and will be saved at saving time. Lights haFew readers