In the following section you will learn how to import your Vectorworks model into HEGIAS VR.
HEGIAS VR supports the vendor-independent BIM format and the most widely used 3D CAD formats for architectural-, building- and construction plans. A complete list of supported file formats can be found here: Supported Formats
This article shows our recommended settings for IFC and FBX export from Vectorworks 2023. These settings serve as an example and may vary from project to project.
Open the IFC export dialog under File > Export > Export IFC Project....

Define the export settings. Depending on the intended use, we recommend the following default settings:
Press F1 or the ? icon for detailed help on Vectorworks IFC export..
Normal - the default export we recommend for HEGIAS VR.
File format: .ifc
IFC version: 2x3 or 4
Model view: CV 2.0 - Architecture

High - the best possible export for presentation models.
File format: .ifc
IFC version: 2x3 or 4
Model View: Advanced Vectorworks Model View

Define the layer structure:
If you are working with a Vectorworks BIM template, you may skip this step.
All construction layers must be assigned to an IFC Story.
These settings only need to be defined during the first IFC export and will be saved for future exports.

Afterwards you can choose a suitable location and file name. The exported IFC file is now available for your Import into HEGIAS VR.
Open the FBX export dialog under File > Export > Export FBX (3D only)...

Use the default export settings.

Building parts that have not been drawn as architectural building parts (e.g. NURBS surfaces) must be named manually so that they can be classified correctly in HEGIAS. To do this, add a custom name in the object information under Info - Object. A list of building parts recognized by HEGIAS and their features can be found in this support article: Recognize features in model

HEGIAS VR supports the vendor-independent BIM format and the most widely used 3D CAD formats for architectural-, building- and construction plans. A complete list of supported file formats can be found here: Supported Formats
This article shows our recommended settings for IFC and FBX export from Vectorworks 2023. These settings serve as an example and may vary from project to project.
IFC Export
Open the IFC export dialog under File > Export > Export IFC Project....

Define the export settings. Depending on the intended use, we recommend the following default settings:
Press F1 or the ? icon for detailed help on Vectorworks IFC export..
Normal - the default export we recommend for HEGIAS VR.
File format: .ifc
IFC version: 2x3 or 4
Model view: CV 2.0 - Architecture

High - the best possible export for presentation models.
File format: .ifc
IFC version: 2x3 or 4
Model View: Advanced Vectorworks Model View

Define the layer structure:
If you are working with a Vectorworks BIM template, you may skip this step.
All construction layers must be assigned to an IFC Story.
These settings only need to be defined during the first IFC export and will be saved for future exports.

Afterwards you can choose a suitable location and file name. The exported IFC file is now available for your Import into HEGIAS VR.
FBX Export
Open the FBX export dialog under File > Export > Export FBX (3D only)...

Use the default export settings.

Building parts that have not been drawn as architectural building parts (e.g. NURBS surfaces) must be named manually so that they can be classified correctly in HEGIAS. To do this, add a custom name in the object information under Info - Object. A list of building parts recognized by HEGIAS and their features can be found in this support article: Recognize features in model

Updated on: 13/09/2023
Thank you!