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Navigator: Location

In this section, the georeferencing function for the HEGIAS.navigator is explained in detail.

Using georeferencing, you can visualize the planned project with the HEGIAS.navigator in the context of its real environment, such as neighboring buildings and topography. Georeferencing enables sun/shadow studies as well as the visualization of sightlines and views. This guide explains how to activate the feature, define the project location, adjust location settings, set the map section, and make map selections.

Table of Contents

Activate Feature
Define Project Location
Location Settings
Set Map Section
Map Selection

Example of a georeferenced HEGIAS scene

1. Activate Feature

To activate this feature, go to the “Location” tab in the scene view and activate “Georeferencing.”

Activate Scene Georeferencing

2. Define Project Location

Next, under Project Location, enter the desired address in the search bar, and your project will be located at the corresponding position. Use the displayed latitude and longitude for verification. The position will be marked as a red marker on the Google Maps view, and you can drag this marker across the map with a mouse click.

Define Location

3. Location Settings

In the location settings, you can adjust the georeferencing to your preferences. Rotate the project in its environment and adjust the height. Use the HEGIAS.navigator to check the changes in real-time.

Location Settings Rotation and Height Adjustment

4. Set Map Section

Do you want to cut out existing trees/buildings from Google Earth or Swisstopo on the parcel to make space for the new project? Then choose the “automatic cutout” option or the “draw custom cutout” option. With the latter, you can draw the desired cutout directly on the map by dragging with the mouse at the white points.

Tip: For a better overview while drawing the custom cutout, set the navigator playermode to "planview" like in the example below.

5. Map Selection

For the visualization of the environment, choose between Google Earth and Swisstopo. For the Swisstopo dataset, you also have the option to switch between different overlays.

Please note that the Swisstopo dataset only works within Switzerland. For projects outside of Switzerland, please use Google Earth as the environment.

Google Earth, Swisstopo & Swisstopo Overlays

The maps can also be selected live by any user within the HEGIAS.navigator.

Map Selection in Navigator

Updated on: 16/09/2024

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