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The skybox is a static 360° image that represents the background of your HEGIAS scene.

As a HEGIAS user, you cannot yet edit the skybox yourself. But if you have a suitable photo, we can add the file to the scene you want. To do so, please send us the file and a link to the desired scene at If you already have a scene in which a skybox has been stored, you can alternatively copy this scene and then replace the files it contains with the new files. This process preserves the skybox.

For the best results the image needs to be in a 360° equirectangular format. These images are typically taken with 360° cameras, but it is also possible with the smartphone e.g. with the help of the Google Street View app (an explanation for this process can be found here) or with Android devices using the "Photo Sphere" function in the camera. It is important that the image covers all 360° of the surroundings, from top to bottom. A 360° panorama covers only a slice of the surroundings and will result in black areas in the skybox since there is not enough information in the image (see the good and bad examples below).

File requirements:
Format: 2:1 - we recommend 4096x2048 or higher
360° equirectangular

Good example

Skybox stored in the scene

Screenshot of a HEGIAS VR scene

Bad example

Panorama taken with mobile phone; resolution 1024x318; 360° not fully covered

Poor result in scene; Low resolution; Distorted image; Visible edge

Updated on: 05/05/2023

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